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Know Your Effective Reach

The Unplanned Pregnancy Estimator

How many unplanned pregnancies occur within the area your CPC operates?

Using public data from the CDC and Census Bureau, we can help you understand how many impact opportunities your center has on a monthly basis.

By filling out the form below, we can provide you with information on the likely monthly number of unplanned pregnancies and abortions within your service area.


Your Effective Reach is how well you're converting unplanned pregnancies in your area into new clients. Most centers should aim for an Effective Reach of 30 percent of the local women who are unexpectedly pregnant.

By understanding and visualizing your Effective Reach, you're empowered to communicate the needs of your community to your board and donors. This information can be utilized to energize them into taking action on expanding services, additional facilities, or additional marketing needed to increase your impact.

This calculation is based off CDC data. The CDC defines an unplanned pregnancy as:

An unintended pregnancy is a pregnancy that is either unwanted, such as the pregnancy occurred when no children or no more children were desired. Or the pregnancy is mistimed, such as the pregnancy occurred earlier than desired.


The calculation generated is based on 2020 CDC data on legal abortions, before the decision to overturn Roe v. Wade.

As such, it likely means that the abortion numbers for your area are actually higher than what our estimator predicts.

Even still, it's helpful to see the data for a better understanding of the minimum baseline that can be assumed in your area.

Absolutely. We pulled data to create this calculator using the following sources:

  • Statista's overview of the US population
  • US Census data over fertility information
  • CDC data, released April 2023, over unintended pregnancy and legal abortion rates
  • Definition of unplanned pregnancy is from the CDC
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